Business South Bank Initiatives to Stay Connected

Business South Bank Initiatives to Stay Connected

April 3, 2020 – Community, Featured, Uncategorized

Business South Bank is reaffirming its role of bringing the precinct business community together by implementing new initiatives.

1. COVID-19 Members Update
The website has been updated to provide information on our members activities throughout this period.
To view – Click here

2. Facebook Group – Business South Bank
This Facebook Group has been created for our members to connect with the precinct, share positive stories and help each other.
To Join – Click here

3. Online Professional Development Session
BSB has begun providing online professional development session and aims to provide more frequent and relevant session online throughout this period.

4. #Bsbstayconnected
We have established a hashtag #Bsbstayconnected that members and their staff will be able to use this to continue to see other’s activity virtually.

Email us if you would like your information updated or shared with others.

South Bank Parklands Update

South Bank Parklands Update

April 3, 2020 – Community, Featured

Specific changes to South Bank Parklands amenities and operations currently include:

– All playgrounds, barbeques and swimming areas are closed until further notice

– All events are on hold until further notice

– The volunteer program is currently on hold

– The South Bank Visitor Information and Booking Centre is closed to visitors until further notice.

Queensland Police Service and South Bank Parklands staff will monitor crowd numbers.

For more information on Parklands – Click here

Financial Relief for South Bank Corporation Retailers

Financial Relief for South Bank Corporation Retailers

April 3, 2020 – Community, Featured

South Bank Corporation is providing financial relief to its retailers as a measure to help support jobs and precinct businesses during the unprecedented COVID-19 situation.

This includes implementing measures to give relief to retailers including foregoing rent and outgoings from 1 April – 30 September 2020 and refunding rents that had already been paid to the Corporation in March.

The Corporation is also providing free half-hour parking to make it easier for people to get takeaway meals and support local business.

For more information – Click here

Arts Queensland Assistance for Arts Sector

Arts Queensland Assistance for Arts Sector

April 3, 2020 – Community, Featured

Arts Queensland is implementing a number of measures to support the arts sector through COVID-19. This includes funding boots, funding extensions, changes to funding application timeframes and rent relief for tenants based in Queensland Government Arts Infrastructure.

For more information – Click here

Message from Janine Watson, CEO, Business South Bank

Message from Janine Watson, CEO, Business South Bank

March 18, 2020 – Community, Featured

Dear BSB Members,

The enormity of the current situation is well documented and will be challenging for all.

As your business will be changing and adapting, so will BSB.

BSB will be reaffirming its role of bringing the precinct business community together.  Albeit, we won’t be able to do it physically, we plan to implement a number of new initiatives that will provide BSB members with a sense of community.

To that end, we will be in reaching out to you all to get an update on all of your businesses so that we can share it with each other.

We will also be sharing with you useful links about other important information. We will be in regular contact with updates and important information so that you can concentrate on running your business.

In terms of day to day BSB activities, the upcoming BSB events and forums including networking function, CEO lunch and professional development session have been postponed.  Refunds will be provided to those that have registered.

As this is a fast and ever-evolving situation, we will making decisions about our future events and forums at a later stage.

The strength of the business community has been tested in the past, and we look to working with you, however we can, to get through this and bounce back as quickly as possible.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to BSB if you need our assistance.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Useful Links & Resources

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Useful Links & Resources

March 12, 2020 – Community, Featured

To help ensure the safety and well-being of the precinct, businesses and staff throughout the emergence of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Business South Bank has collated various useful links.

Australian Government Department of Health Resources – Click here 


CCIQ, How should your businesses respond to Coronavirus? – Click here


Queensland Health, Industry Information – Click here


Prime Minister of Australia, Media Release Economic Stimulus Package – Click here