q & a

Learn more about what the sustainability pledge entails.

What is the BSB Sustainability Pledge?

A sustainability pledge is a voluntary commitment made by BSB members to take specific actions or adopt certain practices aimed at:

  1. Creating and advancing sustainability initiatives/ outcomes for individual organisations as well as the wider South Brisbane precinct.
  2. Promoting all member’s individual efforts for a whole-of-precinct impact.
  3. Helping BSB advocate on behalf of and promote the interests of its members and the precinct.

There are a number of cities around the world that have adopted “pledges” as a way of demonstrating a public declaration of intentions and commitment.

What is the objective of the Pledge?

The ultimate objective is to be the exemplar sustainable precinct – a Green, Healthy and Inclusive Precinct. 

How does my company participate?

By participating, a member agrees to engage in:

  • The positive pursuit of the shared vision.
  • Making a commitment to be proactive when it comes to sustainability.
  • The allegiance of the membership, and the greater good of the precinct.

Get involved by:

  • Sharing information about your initiatives and achievements.
  • Taking advantage of various opportunities and resources BSB will provide to assist your company on becoming more sustainable – professional development, mentor programs, tips, links to useful sites.


When will the Pledge commence?

The Sustainability Pledge launched on 16 July 2024. 

Our company is already undertaking a number of sustainability initiatives, do I still need to be part of this?

Absolutely and congratulations on your efforts, we would love to share your initiatives and achievements with other members and stakeholders.

Your organisation can be a leader/mentor and share knowledge/ tips/ case studies/ findings with others.

The purpose of the Pledge is to capture members’ individual efforts and tell a whole-of-precinct story.

Is BSB trying to achieve carbon neutral or other measurable goal?

At this stage, BSB has not set a specific goal for the Pledge. 

Part 1 of the process is understanding what all our members are doing. BSB is mindful that Brisbane 2032 will be a climate positive Games and wants to play its part in achieving this.

Do I need to report back to BSB?

BSB understands that members are taking this on in a voluntary capacity. There will not be any onerous reporting put in place.

BSB will conduct broader surveys and personal contact to capture your initiatives and achievements.

As a participant to the Pledge, we trust you appreciate providing that information in a timely manner is important to the success of the initiative.

Are all members of BSB signed up?

At launch date, 80% of members had agreed to participate, surpassing our expectations.

As new members join BSB, we encourage them to participate in the pledge.


I am a member of BSB but my business is not located in the wider South Bank precinct, can we take part?

Of course! Sustainability has no boundaries and the resources, information and connections BSB can provide will help you achieve sustainable outcomes in your workplace and local area.

I am only a small organisation and not doing very much in this space, is there support for me to get started?

Absolutely, we would love to help you take the first step – and you are not alone!

BSB has developed a suite of resources to help including:

  • Facilitating mentoring and connections amongst the membership.
  • Providing workshops/information.
  • Direct links to allied organisations that are experts in specific fields and specifically set up to assist small to mid-size organisations.

All of these resources will be available to every BSB member.

We encourage you to call BSB if you would like some assistance.

Why has BSB created the sustainability Pledge?

Sustainability has long been part of a vision held by BSB for the improvement and benefit of the precinct and to assist members.

A call to action for members can provide the best framework for both large and small organisations to be involved and work toward sustainable goals.

Initiatives such as the Pledge demonstrates a collective intent. This allows BSB to advocate and influence government on sustainable outcomes for the wider South Bank precinct.

Why should I participate in the Sustainability Pledge? What’s in it for me/my business?

“Taking the Pledge” is optional. However, by doing so you are joining a community of BSB members intent on creating change both in the workplace and the environment. The broader community and government are moving toward recognising organisations that commit to positive change. Your commitment to the Sustainability Pledge can be the first step.

Most resources, contacts, opportunities will be free to BSB members.

What is the timeframe for the Pledge?

The Pledge is an on-going initiative. We would like to play our part in helping the City achieve its KPI for the 2032 Games, however the ultimate goal is to have one of the Greenest and Healthiest Precinct in Australia. 

I’m not a BSB member, can I still participate in the Pledge?

Although you can’t officially be part of the BSB Sustainability Pledge, we encourage all companies to undertake sustainability initiatives for their own companies’ growth, welfare of staff and the greater community.

If you would like to join BSB, please contact us. 

How will progress be measured?

The first measurement is having at least 80% of members “Taking the Pledge”. We are delighted this was achieved by mid 2024.

Over time, BSB will be collecting information from its members.

Various BSB members such as EarthCheck, BDO, Containers for Change have offered to assess this information to ascertain what we, as a precinct, are achieving.