Business South Bank Initiatives to Stay Connected
April 3, 2020 – Community, Featured, Uncategorized

Business South Bank is reaffirming its role of bringing the precinct business community together by implementing new initiatives.
1. COVID-19 Members Update
The website has been updated to provide information on our members activities throughout this period.
To view – Click here
2. Facebook Group – Business South Bank
This Facebook Group has been created for our members to connect with the precinct, share positive stories and help each other.
To Join – Click here
3. Online Professional Development Session
BSB has begun providing online professional development session and aims to provide more frequent and relevant session online throughout this period.
4. #Bsbstayconnected
We have established a hashtag #Bsbstayconnected that members and their staff will be able to use this to continue to see other’s activity virtually.
Email us if you would like your information updated or shared with others.