Victoria Bridge to Permanently Close to General Traffic
December 3, 2020 – Community, Featured

Victoria Bridge will be permanently closed to general traffic from 24 January 2021 to facilitate both the Brisbane Metro project and Citylink Cycleway trail.
This forms part of Brisbane City Council’s strategic direction to reduce congestion in the city and improve public and active transport connections.
Citylink Cycleway is a new separated two-way bikeway, separating vehicles and cyclists. The trial will be implemented in stages including:
- Victoria Bridge, connecting William St & Grey St
- Elizabeth St, between William and Creek Streets
- Edward St, between Elizabeth and Alice Streets
- Albert St, between Alice and Mary Streets
For more information and FAQ’s – Click here
Business South Bank is holding an information session (via Teams) on the closure of Victoria Bridge providing members with more details and an opportunity to ask questions of the Brisbane City Council project team.
Time: 1.30pm – 2.15pm
Date: Thursday 17 December 2020
To Register – Click here
Once you have registered, you will receive a link to join the session on Wednesday 16 December.