Significant Changes to Metro in South Brisbane
June 18, 2020 – Community, Featured

Brisbane City Council has announced a revised scope of works at the Cultural Centre Precinct which involve upgrading the existing surface station instead of constructing the proposed underground station.
The revised design includes improvements to the Melbourne and Grey Street intersection which include widening pedestrian footpaths, allowing pedestrians to cross between Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) and the Queensland Museum, and improving cycling connections.
The area around Grey and Melbourne St intersection will also receive new landscaping and amenity, as well as a new crossing on Grey Street between QPAC and South Brisbane railway station.
Metro buses travelling from the City will travel over the Victoria Bridge to the modified existing Cultural Centre station continue above-ground through the Grey & Melbourne St intersection and join the busway through the existing busway portal on Melbourne St.
In its announcement, the Council suggested that an underground Cultural Centre station can be delivered as part of a future stage of Brisbane Metro.
BSB will continue to keep members informed on this topic and will look to hold an information on the topic in the near future.
To read Council announcement and about changes to Brisbane Metro Project click here