3rdView Consulting

3rdView Consulting: Customer-Focused Strategy & Culture, Customer Experience Design & Journey Mapping, Facilitation & Training

3rdView Consulting, Brisbane’s Customer Experience Leaders, have built a reputation for helping organisations put the customer at the heart of everything they do.

3rdView apply design thinking to solve business challenges and leverage opportunities. Through collaboration and conversation, we bring businesses closer to their customers to enhance attraction and retention. 3rdView bring energy, empathy and visualisation to engage stakeholders in the customer, or user, perspective.

We embrace the principles and techniques of Design Thinking and Customer-based Design to help: • Articulate a customer-focused strategy and vision  • Develop a deep understanding of customer needs, wants and drivers  • Design products, services and experiences that deliver customer and business value  We work with a wide range of clients, including Government, Not-for Profits, and Commercial clients across finance, utilities, health and aged care.

Bronze Member
5/205 Montague Road West End, Queensland 4101
P. 1300 660 813