Launch of New BSB Initiative

July 25, 2024 – Community, Featured, Sustainability

To commemorate the next 25 years of growth and success, Business South Bank (BSB) launched a new collaborative initiative The Sustainability Pledge, the first of its kind for a precinct in Queensland.
The Sustainability Pledge is a collective call of action by BSB members to ‘pledge’ to consider the environment, to be inclusive, and to create a healthy precinct.

The Pledge celebrates sustainability champions and supports those starting their sustainability journey.
As part of the Pledge, BSB will:

  • Create forums for ideas sharing
  • Connect people for mutual benefit – an expert in one area may be the student
    in another
  • Provide access to resources/information
  • Share the vision for the precinct with City and State Government and other stakeholders

Get involved in the Pledge by:

  • Sharing information about your sustainability initiatives and achievements.
  • Attending information sessions
  • Looking through and using the various resources available on BSB website
  • Reach out to BSB if you don’t know where to start – Click here

For more information on the Sustainability Pledge – Click here