Free Bus Loop Service for South Bank/ West End Precinct
September 29, 2022 – Community, Featured

Following years of advocacy, Business South Bank (BSB) is delighted that Council officially announced the operation of a free bus loop service for the South Bank/ West End area.
The service to commence in early 2023 was officially announced by Cr Ryan Murphy today as a 12-month trial.
“BSB has been advocating for this service for a number of years”, said BSB Chair, John Barton, “the residential and business population of South Brisbane and West End has grown considerably, with the residential population expected to double by 2036, so additional infrastructure will help.”
“As South Bank is Brisbane’s number one tourism destination, this service will enable people to access multiple destinations in the precinct during their visit, which may in turn increase the visitor length of stay”.
“We thank the Brisbane Council for this trial service, and encourage all of our members and the public to use it, said Mr Barton.
The loop service will travel along Grey Street, Montague Road, Vulture and Tribune Streets every 10 minutes.
BSB will keep members informed on the starting date.
View Council Media Release – Click here