Community Consultation Open – Green Bridges: Toowong to West End and St Lucia to West End
December 3, 2020 – Community, Featured

Brisbane City Council is building new green bridges in the precinct, from Toowong to West End and St Lucia to West End. The bridges will be for pedestrian and cyclists only.
Council is now seeking community feedback on the proposed alignment options and landing locations. Consultation is open until 29 January 2021.
Further information, including detailed fact sheets outlining each alignment option is available on Council’s website. Feedback on these green bridges can be provided by:
attending an upcoming information session
completing an online survey
contacting the project team on 1800 318 166 (during business hours)
emailing [email protected]
writing to: Green Bridges Program, Brisbane City Council, GPO Box 1434, Brisbane QLD 4001