Business South Bank Unveils 20-Year Vision for The Precinct
September 7, 2017 – Featured, Uncategorized

Business South Bank’s 20-year vision for the precinct has been met with much support and positivity by Brisbane tourism leaders, government and council representatives. The vision recognises the economic and cultural significance of this unique urban precinct and seeks to ensure it remains a precinct of excellence for 20 years and beyond. The vision explores four strategies:
- Global destination – long term plan for expanding the cultural, educational and tourism facilities
- Connection – a blueprint for improving key connections within and beyond the precinct, including major gateways, streets, river links, links to Queen’s Wharf
- Space to Grow – identifies new public spaces
- Collaborate – precinct stakeholders to collaborate on marketing, events, information and planning
Vision South Bank first emerged in 2014 from a series of breakfast workshops between Griffith University, QPAC and other partners looking for opportunities to collaborate across the precinct. In August 2015, the Hornery Institute who engaged to develop a framework for future collaboration between all of the major precinct stakeholders. A series of workshops were held in early 2016 with approximately 30 precinct stakeholders in attendance and the overwhelming outcome from these workshop was the need to develop of a shared vision for the future of the precinct. An Executive Group was established to guide the visioning process, including extensive research, stakeholder interviews and Executive Group workshops. Vision South Bank is the culmination of this work and has been prepared for further consultation with stakeholders.