Back To Work In The Precinct
June 15, 2020 – Community, Featured

As Covid-19 restrictions begin to ease, many businesses in the precinct are starting to welcome back their staff. In this edition, we provide information about how to ensure your workplace is Covid Safe, signage and Covid collateral and cleaning offers.
Stay tuned for Part 2, when we provide more tips on heading back to the office including car-parking, transportation and where to find your morning coffee!!
Preparing the Office & Your Staff
It is important to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the workplace and understand the protocols necessary to function safely. In addition, seek out information that is industry specific. The following links provide a foundation for understanding the rules of operation during Covid-19.
The Australian Government have produced a document that covers all the practical questions you may have about the day to day business operations during Covid 19 – Click here
Safe Work Australia have a checklist to ensure that every aspect of business operations is considered – Click here
Queensland Health detail the Stage 2 restrictions as they relate to specific business types – Click here